SGE Realty researches the current market and property laws to be fully aware of how much similar homes in the same area are on the market for. The agents at SGE Realty also have a great understanding of the property disclosure laws needed to be taken into consideration along with the terms of sales.
As soon as the specifics regarding your home are taken fully into account, SGE Realty strategically compares your home to other similar properties selling in your neighborhood before suggesting a realistic price for you to place on your property.
The next step is the “walk through” a dedicated agent will take a detailed look at the property, both inside and out through the eyes of a buyer or home inspector. There may be items that need repairing or replacing or in some cases items that are simply better off being removed. An attractive home that is impeccably maintained is precisely what is required in assisting you in receiving the full asking price on your property.
During the walk through an agent will consider the following:
- The interior paint and finishes to make sure they are in superb condition and recently updated. An agent may suggest ideas and ways to make your home more marketable such as color changes and new accessories, this is usually one of the most cost effective ways to make your home stand out against the crowd.
- The flooring; it is important to make sure the wooden floors, carpets and tiles are in great condition, this can sometimes be as easy as a thorough clean and polish or simply replacing a few tiles.
- The appliances; checking they are in working order. Modern appliances are a plus.
- Plumbing and electrical systems should be fully functional too.
- Light fixtures, good lighting and making sure all bulbs are fitted and in working order.
- Sealants surrounding the bath, shower, sinks and windows.
- SGE Realty pays fine attention to the outside of your property.
- First impressions are everything.
- SGE Realty suggests strategic ideas and solutions to increase the curb appeal of your home. This may mean a fresh coat of paint, a change of color or simply removing a hedge or fixing a gate.
- The lawn and landscape should be precise and immaculate.
- Unnecessary items, such as bird houses, statues, toys, garden signs are often better off in storage, this can help to show the gardens full size and potential.
- A strong high-end front door makes every home look and feel more secure
- A clear and tidy inviting entrance free of leaves and dirt is highly recommended.
- Sparkly windows and window frames are a pleasure to the eye.
- The roofing and gutters are stable and secured correctly, in fully functional order
- Balconies should also be cleared of any clutter and thoroughly cleaned.
An agent will keep detailed descriptive notes of everything that requires repair or replacement during the inspection along with any changes that may be considered advantageous.
SGE Realty endeavor to deliver an excellent service at all times.
The initial property walk through is just the beginning, SGE Realty offers a variety of additional touches that will impress potential buyers and immediately make them feel welcome and at home on entry. We believe excellence is found in the details.
SGE Realty makes it their duty to know your neighborhood.
An agent will conduct a thorough study of your surrounding area consisting of schools, transportation, shopping centers, new improvements, future developments, restaurants, bars and anything else that may be sought after by potential buyers.
The fun part…
Once the initial homework is complete and SGE Realty knows your home as if it were their own, it’s time to sell your property.
SGE Realty invests in “For Sale” signs, fact sheets and advertising costs, granting you peace of mind knowing your property is out on the market gaining full exposure to thousands of potential buyers. SGE Realty holds regular open house dates for you and alert large databases of potential buyers regarding the sale of your property.
SGE Realty creates detailed and descriptive text to advertise your home in its best light, along with providing professional photographers to capture your property just right. The professional creative team at SGE Realty specialize solely in real estate and operate the finest and most modern camera equipment to date.
The agents at SGE Realty welcome and entertain guests at open house dates offering refreshing beverages and tasty treats whilst selling the benefits of a wonderful home such as yours, listing the features and benefits in great detail.
An agent will register every attendee’s contact information and will follow up with every attendee regardless of their level of interest shown… SGE Realty leaves no stone unturned.
SGE Realty discusses offers and negotiates on your behalf allowing you the freedom and flexibility to live your life hassle free enjoying what you love to do most whatever it maybe, knowing your state of affairs are in professional, reliable hands. An agent will keep you fully up to date at every stage of the transaction, paperwork and contracts will be carefully explained throughout.